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tv   Documentary  RT  December 8, 2013 7:29pm-8:01pm EST

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one thousand nine hundred sixty four trial that's all mandela and his comrades sentenced to life helped turn the world in their favor during the trial. these gentleman who are on trial the rivonia trial as they went from being the accused of being people on in the dark as slowly transformed they became the benjamin franklin's of africa they became the freedom fighters they began the man of principle who is standing up merely for the rights of others and it's only to turn world opinion around from a vile terrorist to one of the greatest freedom fighters to have ever walked the earth the story of nelson mandela is remarkable a man who stood up for the rights of people everywhere but also a familiar tale of government putting a garland of flowers around your neck one day and a rope the next. r t johannesburg south africa. up next the financial week in artie's country capital.
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just imagine a foreign leaders like alexander lukashenko or vladimir putin just showed up an anti e.u. protest and a greece are hungry to urge people to leave the e.u. and join up with the eurasian customs union obviously the media would be on fire screaming that this is part of an attempt to use a democracy and steal the country's away some sort of imperialist agenda and you know what they might be right about that but the weird thing is that for some reason the mainstream media isn't talking about foreign politicians speaking to and or possibly agitating protesters in ukraine like speaker of the lithuanian parliament loreto grows in india and vice president yeltsin put to see a bitch and former polish pm your arse love kozinski you have the european union brassfield is just fine for their politicians to go to foreign countries and fire up protestors to start a pro e.u.
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revolution but then all their journalists write about is how russia is trying to put pressure on ukraine to not join the e.u. the obvious hypocrisy of this stinks all the way up the moscow but the shust by painting. convention have to with me katie pill they might spend at the business we could have the chinese guy is he the one taking over from here yes the second most widely used in the was going to delve into details and get out of his and just and then l.t. on that one we're also going to be talking about ukraine because we know the protests that bungling and it means to the economy it's gone from that. front elf. as it is again look at itself into detail on that one which was caught the fact that russia's biggest employer roster melways its slashing jobs what does that mean
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exactly corporate news to come our in-house investor mr sean thomas courses on us last week he was heading towards a financial so we'll see how he think getting on but first i want to start with the chinese currency because as i say it's now the second most widely used cars in the world so it's below the u.s. dollar but it's overtaken the euro so what exactly has happened in the last year that market tell you that last year its share of global trade was just over one percent and now we fast forward it's reached almost nine percent so what happened to the euro in contrast last year it had almost eight percent now it's got just over six percent now this is coming at a time when china is changing things up a bit it's in a state of transition now we know that the state is loosening controls on exchange rates as well as boring costs as well so i want to get expert analysis so i'm going to speak to david quote he's from motley fool went to see david i want to know when
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the euro was first introduced it was supposed to rival the us dollar as the global reserve we've now got the one overtaking the year i said you think that that dream is well and truly dead. what a wonderful question i think as far as the euro's turns out i mean the euro's probably shot itself in the foot because the countries within the euro zone when they are dealing in international trade that perhaps you know weren't as strong in deciding that the rest of the world should use the euro as the base currency in other words where they want to the buy goods from china they were quite happy to actually buy goods but it's the newer stormers so really i think i think the you the euro the euro zone hasn't been as forceful as they could have been done so there may be you know the euro would have been more freely traded but at the moment i mean the euro still. still quite freely traded in comparison to the un which is not as freely traded because there are still some countries in the world that might
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say if i want to do business with china i would much rather deal with them using either the u.s. dollar or some other kind of currency so in answer to your question what is going to happen to the euro that really depends on what the eurozone decides itself but they want to be more forceful or not and david we know the whole reason we discuss money is because it's all about power and what does this transition mean in terms of power for china we know they are in a transition period at the moment as an economy. that is a wonderful question and this is really the crux of the matter because at the moment china is sitting on around three and a half trillion u.s. dollars worth of foreign reserves now china doesn't really want to increase that amount to foreign reserves which is why it is trying to make the u.n. more tradeable in other words when you buy goods from china china is saying we're going to pack in chinese u.n. so that we don't have to sort of keep on taking in all these foreign reserves now
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eventually china as you quite rightly say is going to move from being export led to becoming more consumer led in other words they will have to spend some of those foreign reserves in order to buy foreign goods but i suspect you know china did really doesn't want to run down its foreign reserves too much but they would much prefer to use the chinese yuan which you can control itself they can print as much chinese yuan as it wants to so they want to start buying goods from the outside world it may may decide you know that they want to use the chinese yuan to buy that but in order to do that the chinese yuan has to be more freely traded and this is really the first step i mean which we will we're seeing now that the chinese yuan has overtaken the euro in terms of trade finance the next step will of course you know be the chinese yuan being more freely traded around the world and that is also happening because i mean we have all these deals now between the people's bank of china and the bank of england and the european central bank and of course many. things are appearance of the stranger yeah times are changing there david quo there
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thank you ever so much for talking to us always appreciate you coming on the show david have a great day. ukraine is still enjoying the biggest political crisis in nearly a decade as the fallout over not joining the e.u. free trade zone continues meanwhile the economic state of the country faces collapse if the situation does not stabilize suit with ukrainian born yields soaring the price of insuring against default on government debt surging there's also the threat of strikes which could further damage the already fragile economy so let's not speak to david bruno from first national innovation brokers down you know what i want to know is how bad is ukraine's financial situation right now is the economy really heading for a default. well the situation really is serious ukraine is running a current account deficit eight percent of g.d.p.
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. and it's june twenty four thousand dollar bonds are paying nineteen percent interest and what that means is that the markets are expecting and anticipating a default by ukraine so it is a very serious situation the ukrainian central bank. is almost broke and doesn't have any money and won't be able to support the ukrainian currency going forward unless you krane gets credits immediately why is she crying right to not join the legions with the bad and how has that economy benefited by choosing not to do that. the problem with the e.u. agreement was who were the strings all of the strings and conditions that were attached this is why the president signed the deal. there were
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conditions that the subsidies. that the subsidies stop for the consumption of gas in the ukraine that would have been political suicide for the president and that at the most change will be sent to germany the one of the goals of the european union is to bring back the revolution and to end the at the current government leave power that's why they couldn't sign a deal why do you think we all seeing signs many people on the street right now in ukraine protesting the protesters have allowed a blames they want the rule of law they want to see their country become a prosperous country they look longingly to the west and they they say why can't we be like that to some extent they're naive. the looking at europe through rose colored glasses is sick the european union is sick it's falling apart
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it's twenty five percent unemployment in spain i don't need to talk about greece i don't need to talk about cyprus the european union has serious financial problems that it cannot resolve the european union is not a panacea but what this really is katie it's a referendum on not not so much the association agreement with the e.u. but a referendum on ukraine itself and the government people are not happy with their lives the economy is shrinking and stagnating and no matter who's an. economy is not doing well the people are not going to be happy that's why the on the streets they want to change thank you daniel thank you so much indeed for your time we were to appreciate that the bric countries yes the famous acronym coined by the former goldman sachs economist jim i know well he's now created another group of imagine economy is at a set to take the global economy by storm the mint now the bric which you know is
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where of course brazil russia india and china and then later joined by south africa the dream team to make it the breaks but embracing it is one of the countries have experienced disappointing growth and these countries now have some serious competition for all mexico indonesia nigeria and yes the mint now i also break experts by gills if he thinks the meant is the new brick. i mean the brics were a category that was created. by someone of the financial system because they had in common that they have high growth rates post breaks or the stock markets dynamism. but you can extend the category of the admin it's just actually adding on another group that have a similar characteristic at this particular time but that doesn't mean that the brics lost their. trajectory in the world economy
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although they have all been showing signs of some weakness. in recent months because the global situation is not good and the crisis in the global system is continuing to work itself out over many years and that affects everyone including the british. let's get a corporate talk about the father this week so little and. small. could be europe's if you know how the jewel screen with the traditional l.c.d. color display alongside tonic paper display on the system and so you. can do device on the inside itself a little in russia and several other european countries is right up prices around six hundred seventy five dollars a year up six hundred dollars in russia which is also you saw it cheaper than competitors like i phone five in the summer galaxy s poll. shows the longest employ of russian broadway's has put a third of its employees about three hundred thousand on stilts and walking allies
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the head of the middle. name says that the part time show is necessary given the current economic climate the decline in right all the ace. russia central bank wants masa bank declares bankruptcy is saucy proceedings at the supreme court the regulator of both ma supply and slices two weeks ago seven bikes have had their licenses revoked since this sum up when the central bank appointed i knew. yes all right let's get i have to show and tell my he's poised at the basis desk as always to tell us all about what you've been up to so i was just telling everybody about these small find out to us here in russia has been a real calmed down a lot of them getting out of business what does that mean for you. indeed i did i went fifty percent in spirit and fifty percent in gas prom and i'll tell you what this is good news for me from the spring side of things because there's more than a thousand banks in russia and of course the government kind of doing their clamp
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down means that the bigger banks b two b. and spears they are guaranteeing that the assets of the smaller banks which are being shut down in fact i was part of one of those smaller banks and this is about all that my car to. know all of that as well but that means they're going to be going to the big banks which is done good for me in fact speer bank is up one percent this week that did well for me however gazprom down at a three percent. total one hundred fifty four dollars bringing my overall total to twelve thousand four hundred sixty one still up but i lost this week for the first time in a couple of weeks running so some good news and some bad yeah yeah yeah i see this week is still up. so we need to really kick start this once again because bitcoin was a real way to fifty watts and it is now you going to diversify now you can stick with the financials it was either i'm going to stick with the financials i'm going to go one hundred percent all in because of for a couple reasons
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a with this movement towards the bigger banks that means there's going to be a push for spear banks i think that's going to be good for me plus if you remember everything kind of slows down and there's not much business happening in the new year so i'm hoping that staying with the financials will be a good decision for me as we push into the new year so that's what i'm going to do sensible has shown we like it very much so i will sit up with all on financials and we see how you get on next week with tom s. and soon to be back next week as well live in. a b c even all the russian banks by olds as what is the crisis in ukraine were really cape and i on that one and seeing how the situation progress is. not small surprises of course and i will indeed be back to see you as well have a fantastic we can enjoy the rest of you we can give us now.
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i was thinking somehow i had to come back because mom was waiting for me. i just knew that everything would be fine for some reason we were so confident because we were going to get married officially after he came back how could he not come back the mere thought of it never crossed my mind. when the militants decided to try and break through. screaming grenades. or would they splosion blow him or run his back you'll. lose it all and it was all over all of us. we know that our comrades on our commander won't leave us no matter how tough it gets we're team. you're getting was a senior in his military trio. he knew that if he didn't smother that grenade with his body more of his comrades would die he gave his own life to save his friends.
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so the lesson we teach to the world is that the best way to defend yourself is to get yourself a nuclear weapon and of course the biggest culprit of using nuclear weapons and producing nuclear weapons and weapons about struction it's my birthday should the united states and i find it absolutely insane that we sit here and talk about iran suppose have nuclear weapons program where you know the united states is producing every kind of weapon under the sun is spending more than every other military on the planet come by and is involved in more war and more death and more suffering than every other nation combined and yet it's sitting there on a pedestal talking about other nations developing weapons of mass destruction it is insane that we even allow them to do this the first nation that needs to disarm without question is the united states.
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you're watching our table live from our studios in moscow and lindsey france thanks for joining me. the crisis head economies of europe strive to keep their heads above water but new statistics reveal what happens when government measures don't go too well almost a quarter of those living in the e.u. live under the threat of poverty that's more than one hundred twenty million people now two of the latest additions to that bloc bulgaria and romania topped the list of europe's poorest countries and is a corporate scandal proport even the founding states such as italy are now struggling more than ever marco used to work as a pizza you'll many italians used to call it the golden skill which would always get you work in rome but it didn't hold true for marco one day he was sacked and has not been fired since he's been living on the street for about four years now and says at forty six he sees little chance of fixing his life he asked us not to
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reveal his identity. when you live on the street survival is what takes up most of your time simply gets in a show is a challenge it's so much time to take care of yourself like a normal person you reach the end of the day and you're exhausted and depressed. with the talian economy going through its longest recession since the second world war over twelve percent of adults are unemployed while four out of ten young people don't have a job there are no official figures on the homeless we have any type of food that we can get for free from somewhere more italians are beginning to turn to charity and humanitarian aid for help two years ago we had about fifty five percent were foreigners and the forty five percent today we have about sixty five percent valient thirty five percent. or less computer. everything on the shelves is free given in exchange for points allocated to low income families by
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the global charity network. most of the food is near its expiration date except for specially labeled aid it's really similar to an ordinary supermarket you've got bread pasta dairy products vegetables and sort of the one thing which really stands out are these packages with signs saying not for sale and this is humanitarian aid from the european union and all together these products make up around a third of all the stuff here. kerry does is now raising the alarm saying around one third of all italian children are at risk of poverty and are lacking basic essential such as protein rich foods heating and clothes you've got the skin of our t. roam. skyrocketing energy prices have left many households in britain wondering how they'll combat the cold this winter and a government plan aims to reduce extra costs but that still leaves thousands of u.k. families struggling to heat their homes as tests are silly of reports. it's that
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time of year again when temperatures drop and a bill sure as the heating comes on. zero zero zero zero zero. people who are protesting saying that it was i'd like them to the choice between eating or heating they're angry at the price increases of the energy companies and the government's lack of action to helping those who are most vulnerable not to mention the comment from downing street that for those who can't afford to pay the bills they should simply put on an extra job well. this very same engine for as you can read you see in the wings isn't the same me only killing of his wife frieda keep the heating on for only two hours during the day and five hours at night i do worry that running strictly to me then obviously. freedom to meet all the costs
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on our own it's affecting every family in this country and this is britain two thousand and thirteen. it's terrible depending on the provider the hike set to take effect this winter could be as high as ten percent with excess winter deaths in england and wales rising by a third to thirty one thousand compared with the previous year six big utility companies controlling the market and not deciding when to put up prices whether that's above the rate of inflation or not is another question the big six blamed a rise in wholesale costs but industry regulator off gem said costs rose by less than two percent profits meanwhile have gone up by seventy five percent in the last year alone but it is going to see if you any go to that's what we're trying to see to do to play out really. to the pressure. and there's a double whammy the national grid bore that energy reserves are dangerously low the
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risk of blackouts this winter will be higher than it's been for almost a decade but the more pressing problem for many remains simply getting through this winter how many of the. cabinet truly live on the almost sort of money that the week at doesn't make any difference to david cameron or anyone else if those tests are cilia r t london. some world news in now the main opposition party in thailand has resigned from parliament and move likely to deepen the country's political crisis. hundreds of thousands taking to the streets in recent weeks demanding the government resign mass rallies began when the prime minister tried to pass an amnesty bill many feared that would have allowed her brother. to return to power. violent clashes have erupted in brazil between rival football fans during a match one person was reportedly killed and several others seriously injured
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police fired rubber bullets to break up the fight found violence has become common in the country raising security concerns head of next year's world cup. series of bombings across the iraqi capital of left at least thirty nine people dead and more than a hundred injured the deadliest attack took place in the shia district of baghdad where a car exploded near a workshop peace activist dirk adrian sends believes the situation is worse for many that it ever was under a former dictator saddam hussein. the bombings in ninety one there was electricity there was telephone again and there was a fair distribution. russians. angry people died because there was no you know and magnetically water and so on the lot of diseases that the sanctions imposed by the united states but there were basic services that people have and it's not like the situation now where the.
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patients eleven years know. that there are no basic services science was supposed to provide us with abundant resilient crops but few have ever found the words genetically modified food appetizing so much so that american supermarkets are expanding lines of g.m. free products restaurant diners are being drawn to dishes that haven't passed through the lab report aisle looks at whether the shift is giving the biotech firms a headache. in a city with thousands of restaurants yoko kind of maury has lunch at the same place nearly every day oh right yeah yeah every day everybody knows me every day i love it. here at four foods the ingredients are natural g m o's are limited as much as possible and the menu caters to an exploding dietary necessity in the u.s. we probably in the past year if we see more people coming directly for us because
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we do have gluten free options listed among the top food trends by time magazine the gluten free lifestyle has boomed into a billion dollar american industry foods books and even boot camps cater to a g. free clientele doctors are now paying attention to a new phenomenon called sensitivity and what about this gluten free diet has great news groups no gluten high protein on natural bar the blue is a protein found in wheat and other grain products eighteen million americans reportedly suffer from gluten related disorders while medical experts have dubbed it the next big u.s. epidemic a new report finds genetically modified foods such as soil and corn may be an environmental trigger for the growing health crisis if you look at the nature of the primary toxins crowd in most you can predispose physiology.
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to symptoms related to sensitivity in fat beason. disorders immune system bravo. the multinational billion dollar company monsanto happens to be a leading producer of g.m.o. seeds r.t. reached out to the company a spokesperson said that monsanto is not aware of credible evidence that supports allegations of their products being harmful but the report released by the institute for responsible technology finds that the weed killer known. as roundup used on g m o's also has a negative effect on gut bacteria sexism is insidious because you don't have an immediate acute reaction but erode your health slowly over time are chosen outside of reducing. kidney failure cancer these have all been shown to be very strongly correlated with the use of ground on corn and so on in the meantime monsanto has reportedly spent billions on lobbying to keep g.m.o.
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foods from being labeled in the u.s. sales in the gluten free food market have reached new heights due to a dangerous health at that this comes as monsanto grossed more than thirteen billion dollars in revenue last year selling products many believed to be responsible for that epidemic in the first place marina port ny r.t. new york. i'll be back with more international news and our roundup of the week's top stories just a few minutes. do you think that you as a representative of the. gazan government and government in general could achieve that easing off live for the palestinian people through the way they communicate through the way the present themselves to do wall to community need
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we need respectful of from older kind of governments good and too rigid denies this government which recollected a from the people actually. presented to from the palestinian people themselves respect of what china says respect i what i would believe someone needs someone writes. you have to remember that israel if there were a company award for just trim out of performance by their country israel would win every year it's a real food or not to know who is the story of the theater so i would serve the few moments who go there we have to distinguish between israel's rhetorical pursuit shoot from it's our casual position israel wouldn't be investing billions and
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billions of dollars into building this wall if it wanted terrorists who are beyond the wall if we go back to our lines even i mean if i had a hard time doing it's not this is going to go ahead. i'm sorry if it's not just the the wall and the west bank and gaza there are examples on syria actually because it's true poland's there it's the drilling gas the. taking somebody else of gas and oil. cleaner. in love with a waitress on stage imagine that there's an audience that you should take drugs and drink like a fish. the police told me about the circus but i was such a punk i was like what circus.
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school or circus is clearly kids gonna. break down stereotypes about kids from disadvantaged backgrounds. wealthy british style it's. right in the front. of the. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to name two kinds of reports. tens of thousands stage mass protests in ukraine's capital kiev the opposition helps to force the president from power by the government border that has security services investigate claims of an attempted seizure of power.


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